
Member of Parliament (MP) for Salima Central Felix Jumbe has drafted a private member’s bill which will be seeking to expand the mandate of water boards in order to reduce water problems in the country.Felix JumbeFelix Jumbe carries the bill.Jumbe made the statement during the parliamentary meeting in Lilongwe. In his remarks, he said he has come up with the draft to reduce problems that Malawi water boards are facing.According to Jumbe, the plan does not only focus on people in urban areas but it also involves Malawians in rural areas.He explained that water is very vital to every person in the country as such it must be considered and be put at heart all the times.Jumbe however stated that people in rural areas have no access to portable water as such new boreholes have to be constructed.“I was questioning why the problems of boreholes are not considered because people in the rural areas are facing difficulties and why have we left the people to live like that,” he saidAccording to Jumbe, looking at the current challenges that the Malawian water sector is facing, water boards should also have a leading role in ensuring availability of portable water in remote areas.
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