Malawi to introduce user fees in hospitals QechPublic hospitals to be struck by user fees.Authorities in the health sector says they have finalized the policy that will let them introduce user fees in public hospitals.Speaking in an interview, minister of health Dr Peter Kumpalume confirmed that the policy has been finalized. ”We are waiting for cabinet approval and this is in line with the public reforms which were introduced. “We want to make the health sector more efficient and hospitals should generate funds on their own through the fee that people will be paying when they want to access the medical services and will also want to improve the conditions in the government hospitals,” said Kumpalume. Peter KumpalumeKumpalume: We want to make the health sector efficient.
He further said the ministry is targeting that by July this year, people from all districts across Malawi will be paying fees to access medical services in public hospitals. The move however has not been welcomed by some Malawians. One concerned citizens said government should consider that the economy is not doing well hence the policy will make Malawians poorer. “Malawians are still poor so if the government introduces the fee, are Malawians who are poor going to manage to pay?” queried the citizen.
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