Ethiopia embassy fraud leaps to K293 million At a time when Malawi’s economy continues to stumble, a new audit report has revealed that money that was stolen at Malawi’s embassy in Ethiopia is K293 Million, a huge increase from the K20 Million that was earlier indicated, .The revelations were made by Minister of Foreign Affairs Francis Kasaila during a press briefing in Lilongwe.Francis kasailaKasaila: Govt is worried.According to Kasaila, officials at the embassy had been siphoning money into their personal accounts and that lack of an audit had led to more money being stolen.Last month, Malawi’s deputy ambassador Doreen Kapanga and secretary Fletcher Chowe in Ethiopia had been suspended as the findings then revealed that they stole money amounting to K20 Million. But a fresh audit says the amount stolen is in the region of K293 Million.”This is why we want to be having audits in such offices overtime. The economy is struggling and this is bad news,” said the worried looking Kasaila. It is reported that the diplomats there had been writing cheques in their names until they were caught red handed in similar acts.In a related development, a National Audit Office has revealed that civil servants and other unscrupulous Malawians defrauded government of K2.5 billion of donor money meant for HIV and Aids fight.
The report that we have seen indicates that a total of K2,520, 272, 421.62 was stolen between 2013 and 2015 through various dubious means.The biggest financial scandal which hit Malawi which is popularly known as cashgate saw K24 billion being lost.
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