Malawi Democracy
President Arthur Peter Mutharika has reiterated the need for Malawi democracy to embrace freedom of the press as a fundamental principle if the country’s democracy is going to grow on the right path. In his statement to the country’s media on World Press Freedom Day, the President observed the importance of the role played by the media in relation to other equally important institutions. “The tenets of our young democracy demand that all institutions remain open and accountable to our people for the common good. Therefore, my government will continue granting the media all necessary freedoms in their professional undertakings,” wrote the President on his official Facebook page. He added, “No democracy can thrive without the existence of a free and responsible media hence the notion that you are the fourth estate after the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.” Since attaining the Presidency in 2014, President Mutharika has made sure that his government sticks to freedom of the press by granting a safe environment for all journalists. World Press Freedom Day is celebrated annually on May 3.
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