Malawi govt haunted by prison congestion PrisonCongested. The Malawi government through the ministry of home affairs and internal security says it is committed to reduce congestion which has hit most prisons in the country. According to minister responsible Jappie Mhango, the Malawi government is planning to construct new and internationally recommended prisons countrywide. The disclosure of the development comes days after different human rights activists and some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) faulted government for failure to end congestion in the country’s prisons. However, Mhango admitted that the congestion is existing in the country’s prisons and further said most of these prisons were built some time back and they are not in a conducive state to be housing inmates. Jappie MhangoMhango: Says govt is working on reducing prison congestion.“It is very correct that in Malawi our prisons were built long time back as such that current conditions are not conducive and it is for this reason why the government is planning to build these prisons in the country,” said Mhango.He added that prison is a place to reform and not for punishment hence the plan to construct the internationally recommended prisons.Mhango said they will also make sure the prisons which will be built in the country and all prisons available now should have an environment which is conducive for all inmates.
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