Police geared to end albino abductions and killings in the country The Central Region Police Headquarters says it is working tirelessly to deal with individuals involved in the abductions and killings of people living with albinism. G
Recently the region has experienced a spate of abductions and killings of people living with albinism in Dedza, Kasungu and Dowa Districts. In Kasungu so far police are keeping in custody 26 year old White Chilumpha for killing his one year and 11 months old albino girl after the child was stolen from the house whilst sleeping with her mother. Speaking at the first quarter regional review meeting of security activities, Commissioner of Police responsible for the Central Region George Kainja urged all Officers-In-Charge from all the police stations in the region to tighten up security. “Albinos are people like everyone; hence as police we are working hard to stop such acts. We are sending strong signal to the people involved in albino abductions and killings,” said Kainja adding that albinos must enjoy human rights like everyone and police are working hard to stop madness of believing that in albino there is richness or wealthy. Meanwhile, Mponela First Grade Magistrate’s court has sentenced a man to 17 years imprisonment for abducting and murdering a 21 year old woman with albinism. The sentencing has seen as a milestone as it is the most severe delivered so far in court cases relating to albino abductions and killings that have surfaced in the country.
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