The first grade magistrate court in Mangochi has sentenced a 56 year-old man to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for raping two girls. The man, Davide Sikini, was arrested last week after he raped the two school girls who are aged 10 and 12.PrisonAccording to police, on 27th June during break time the two pupils visited the convict’s house which is near the school to beg for groundnuts since the suspect works at Ching’anda Farming Trust.Instead of giving them the groundnuts, the wicked man enticed the two little girls with K200 each in order to sexually abuse them.He got his evil wish but when the girls later went home, their parents got surprised with the money and that is when the kids revealed the ordeal.Both parents reported the matter to Police who arrested the suspect.In court, the rapist pleaded not guilty to two charges of defilement but was convicted after the state paraded eight witnesses.First Grade Magistrate Ronald M’bwana said the convict deserved a custodial sentence to protect young girls. He then sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for each offence but said the sentences will run concurrently.The convict hails from Khwethemule village, T/A Changata in Thyolo.
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