"The Evil Jealous Lover" Stage 1. There was a boy called Mark, his in university and in 200level, Mark have a girlfriend in the same university also in 200level, her name is precious, she is a beautiful girl and also intelligent. Mark dont have time for other girls in school because he loved precious very well. . Stage 2. There is another girl in that same school called Ify, she is also inlove with Mark but mark never had the time to notice her, she have tried all her possible best to attract mark's attention but all her tricks and efforts are in vain. Stage 3. Ify noticed that precious is the one behind her reason of Mark not showing any concern to even love her, she planned evil against precious and later concluded to waste her life. Stage 4. Mark won the most handsome student in 200level, this made ify to die for him even more and more. on the day of his celebration as the most handsome student in 200level, ify was the one serving food in the party celebration, she severed mark and precious and then she poisoned precious food, having in mind to kill only precious, but Mark is a passionate lover, he ate the food together with precious. Stage 5. After eating the poisonous food, both of them were rushed to the hospital and they both died. it was later discovered that ify was the one that poisoned mark and precious. This was how The Evil Jealous Lover Ify destroyed two destinies. ..........THE-END.............
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