Member of Parliame
nt (MP) for Mulanje South Bon Kalindo popularly known as Winiko has disclosed that he is ready to leave the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) following his semi-nude parade that condemned the malpractice of killing people with albinism in the country.The first ever near-nude parade sparked fire between Winiko and members of the DPP who blocked him from attending party functions in his constituency.Kalindo was also reported to be living in fear due to death threats from DPP you cadets who planned for his demise.Bon KalindoBon Kalindo says he is not shaken. Information sourced reveal that lDPp officials are yet to summon Kalindo for disciplinary meeting following his parade.But reports show that the party plans to have Kalindo arrested on accusations that he used dark channels to have his expensive cars cleared for duty at the border posts.However, Kalindo said he is ready to leave the party upon being given official communication from the DPP.“Let me take this opportunity to say that I am a Malawian and I have that right to express my opinion and I feel nothing wrong to my action therefore am not apologizing to any person, if the party wants to boot me out, I will not resist,” said Kalindo. He added that he is surprised by the sad development from DPP arguing that the demonstration were not meant for the party but rather for the legislators to bring back the death sentence.DPP spokesperson Francis Kasaila has since confirmed calling Kalindo for disciplinary meeting arguing that he has been going against the party’s constitution for a while.
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