US Ambassador to Malawi, Virginia Palmer says patriotism is one of the pillars that have made America a great nation. Ambassador Palmer was speaking in Lilongwe during celebrations to mark 240th Independence of the United States of America.p In his remarks, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Francis Kasaila said Malawi can learn a lot from the United States of America. Kasaila, who is also the parliamentarian for Nsanje Central, urged Malawians to embrace three pillars of integrity, patriotism and hard work for the country to develop. “Malawi needs responsible and productive citizens, productive citizens to achieve socioeconomic development,” said Kasaila. Recently, President Peter Mutharika called for unity among leaders and the public in the development process. According to the Malawi, lack of integrity and unpatriotic spirit among some Malawians hinders the country’s progress in development. Delivering the State of Nation Address which marked the opening of the 2016/17 budget meeting, Mutharika urged politicians and all Malawians to be united and together fight for one common goal of ending poverty. He said Malawi as country is faced with a number of challenges and that government alone could not manage to fight and that it required concerted efforts from all sectors including politicians. “As a small player in a highly complex, volatile and globalized economy, we are bound to face many more challenges along the way due to externally induced pressures and shocks. “At fifty plus as an independent nation , I feel we are at the critical stage of development where patriotism , hard work, discipline, commitment to duty and above all selflessness and sacrifice must be exemplified by all of us including members of this august House. All the efforts by the Government shall be in vain if we do not bury our differences and put the interests of our country and people first,” said President Mutharika.
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